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IIIF Server Settings Form Default Settings

The IIIF Server Settings Form is used to configure different IIIF related settings used throughout your Archipelago environment. We strongly advise keeping the default settings intact. The necessary Solr Fields listed below should be setup by default.

You can find the IIIF Configuration Form:

  • Through the Manage menu > Configuration > Archipelago > Configure Strawberry Runners Post Processors
  • Directly at /admin/config/archipelago/iiif

IIIF Server Settings Form

On the IIIF Server Settings Form page, you will see the following:

  1. Note that these 'IIIF Server configuration URLs are used as defaults for field formatters using IIIF, but can be overridden on a one by one basis when setting up your formatters for each Display Mode.'

  2. Base URL of your IIIF Media Server public accessible from the Outside World.

    • Please provide a publicly accessible IIIF server URL. This URL will be used for AJAX and JS calls. Trailing Slashes will be removed.
    • Set to http://localhost:8183/iiif/2 by default.
    • We do not recommend changing this selection.
  3. Base URL of your IIIF Media Server accessible from inside this Webserver.

    • Please provide Internal IIIF server URL. This URL will be used by Internal Server calls and needs to be locally accessible by your server, e.g or an local Docker alias. Trailing Slashes will be removed.
    • Set to http://esmero-cantaloupe:8182/iiif/2 by default.
    • We do not recommend changing this selection.
  4. Checkbox to 'Enable IIIF Content Search API V1 and V2 endpoints'.

    • Checked by default in later (1.4.0+) versions of Archipelago.
    • See the related (and essential) IIIF Manifest snippet shared here
    • APIs are accesible at the following path: "/iiifcontentsearch/{version}/do/{node_uuid}/metadatadisplayexposed/{metadataexposeconfig_entity}/mode/{mode}/page/{page}" with:
    • {version} one of [v1,v2]
    • {node_uuid} the UUID of the ADO whose Manifest you want to search inside
    • {metadataexposeconfig_entity} the machine name of the exposed Metadata Display endpoint used to render the Manifest that is calling the API (e.g iiifmanifest)
    • {mode} one of [simple,advanced]. Advanced is the smartest choice. Simple is faster, but requires your Canvas ids to be exactly in this pattern http(s)://domain.ext/do/{node_uuid}/{file_uuid}/canvas/{internal_to_the_file_sequence_order}
    • {page} 0 to N depedening on the Number of results. By default please use 0
  5. Checkbox to 'Only allow searches inside a Manifest If the Manifest itself (for an ADO) defines the Search Endpoints as a Service'

    • Checked by default in later (1.4.0+) versions of Archipelago.
    • If enabled we will double check if the calling IIIF Manifest defines the Endpoint(s) in the service key. If unchecked any Manifest will be searchable by calling an API URL directly.
  6. IIIF Content Search API: field(s) that holds Parent Nodes

    • Strawberry Flavor Data Source Search API Fields that can be used to connect a Strawberry Flavor to a Parent AD0.
    • Default specified fields are: Strawberryfield Flavor Datasource >> SBF Parent ID and Strawberryfield Flavor Datasource >> SBF Parent Node >> isPartOf >> ID
  7. Strawberry Runner processors that should be searched against for visual highlights.

    • e.g Strawberry Flavor Data might have been generated by the "ocr" strawberry runners processor. A comma separated list of processors (machine names) that generated miniOCR.
    • Default is: ocr
    • If you are using the Strawberry Runners pager and ocr post-processors, you should always keep this enabled.
  8. Strawberry Runner processors that should be searched against for time based media.

    • e.g Strawberry Flavor Data might have been generated by the "subtitle" strawberry runners processor. These will have time based fragments and will match IIIF Annotations with motivation supplementing and target the time based media on the parent Canvas. A comma separated list of processors (machine names) that generated time based transcripts encoded as miniOCR.
    • Default is: subtitle
  9. Check to 'Target the VTT Supplementing Annotation'

    • If enabled (aligned with the specs) the target of a hit result will point to the supplementing Annotation containing in its body the VTT file. If not the Canvas containing in its body a Media Resource (less precise but more compatible with Viewers
    • If you are using the Strawberry Runners subtitle post-processor, you should always keep this enabled.
  10. Strawberry Runner processors that should be searched against plain text extractions.

    • e.g Strawberry Flavor Data might have been generated by the "text" strawberry runners processor. These will not have coordinates but will match IIIF Annotations with motivation supplementing and target the whole canvas. A comma separated list of processors (machine names) that generated time based transcripts encoded as miniOCR.
    • Default is: text
    • If you are using the Strawberry Runners subtitle post-processor, you should always keep this enabled.
  11. IIIF Content Search API: field(s) that hold the URI of the File that produced the Searchable content

    • Strawberry Flavor Data Source Search API Fields that hold the URI of the File that generated its content.
    • Default specified fields are: Strawberryfield Flavor Datasource >> Parent File, Strawberryfield Flavor Datasource >> SBF source or related URI/URL, andStrawberryfield Flavor Datasource >> Parent File >> URI
  12. IIIF Content Search API: Max Results per Page

    • Default is: 25
  13. IIIF Content Search API: Max allowed characters/length for a Search term

    • Default is: 64

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