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Archipelago Commons Intro

Archipelago Commons, or simply Archipelago, is an Open Source Digital Objects Repository / DAM Server Architecture based on the popular CMS Drupal 9/10+ and released under GLP V.3 License. Archipelago is developed and supported at the Metropolitan New York Library Council (METRO).

Archipelago is a mix of deeply integrated custom-coded Drupal modules (made with care by us, the Digital Services Team and METRO) and a curated and well-configured Drupal instance, running under a discrete and well-planned set of complementary additional service containers. You can learn more about the different Software Services used by Archipelago here, and Archipelago's unique approach to Metadata here.

Archipelago's primary focus is to serve the greater GLAM community (libraries, archives, museums, universities and colleges, cultural heritage organizations) by providing a flexible, consistent, and unified way of describing, storing, linking, exposing metadata and media assets that make up rich repository collections all around our shared beautiful world. We respect identities and existing workflows, and we endeavor to design Archipelago in ways that empower communities of every size, shade, and shape.

Finally, Archipelago tries to stay humble, slim, and nimble in nature with a small codebase full of inline comments and @todos. All of our work is driven by a clear and concise but thoughtful planned technical roadmap --updated in tandem with new releases.

We recommend you start with the Core Documentation Guides listed here as you begin your Archipelago explorations.

Thank you for reading! Please contact us on our Archipelago Commons Google Group with any questions or feedback.