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Strawberryfield Formatters

This documentation will give a brief overview of Archipelago's Strawberryfield Formatters and how they work using the default View mode Digital Object Full View as an example.

At a glance

When taking a look at your First Digital Object note that multiple formatters are working together to create this Display ( or View mode). Since "My First Digital Object" is a Photograph the Display being used is Digital Object Full View which, by default, uses formatters to:

  • (Red) Create the image viewer where users can zoom in, zoom out, fullscreen and rotate all the images associated with the ADO.
  • (Blue) Display the Object Description and Type of Resource.
  • (Green) Display the Raw JSON Metadata and IIIF Presentation Manifest.

Image Viewer

In Greater Detail

When editing an ADO, at the top of the Webform page there is a tab titled Manage display which will take us to where all the Formatters live. Take note that the DISPLAY SETTINGS shown in the screenshot below are using the Default View mode.

Display Settings

Once the page loads the Default View mode is automatically selected. However, because we are editing an object with the Media type Photograph, we need to edit the View mode Digital Object Full View since it is the Default View mode for this Media type.

How to find and configure which View mode is Default per Media type

The ADO Type to View Mode Mapping page tells the ADOs which View mode to use by default per Media type. You can find the ADO Type to View Mode Mapping Form at ~yoursite/admin/config/archipelago/viewmode_mapping

ADO Type to View Mode Mapping Form

Strawberryfield Formatters Shipped and Configured with Archipelago
  1. Default
  2. Collection listing
  3. Digital Object Full View
  4. Digital Object Image Only for Carousel
  5. Digital Object with 3D Viewer
  6. Digital Object with Audio Player
  7. Digital Object with Book Reader
  8. Digital Object with Mirador Viewer
  9. Digital Object with PDF Viewer
  10. Digital Object with Pannellum Panorama
  11. Digital Object with Video Player
  12. Digital Object with Replay.web WARC Replay.web Widget
  13. Digital Object with thumbnail and abstract
  14. Digital Object with thumbnail for Grid For Digital Object Collections/Compound Objects/CreativeWorkSeries
  15. Digital Object Collection with Mirador Viewer
  16. Digital Object Creative Work Series with Mirador Viewer
Default View Modes

You can see the full list of Default View Modes included in Archipelago here, and you can access your Archipelago's ADO Type to View Mode Mapping at ~yoursite/admin/config/archipelago/viewmode_mapping.

Selecting Digital Object Full View

There are two sections in Manage display for Digital Object Full View: 1) Content and 2) Disabled. Moving a field into Content means this formatter will be used to the display the ADO in some way. The formatters moved to Disabled are inactive and are subsequently not being used for displaying the ADO.

There are four fields named 🍓Strawberry and each one is a copy of the field 🍓Strawberry (Descriptive Metadata source). Since the names of the fields do not imply their function, they have been named Strawberry in four different ways (Italiano, Deutsch, Diné Bizaad, and English) in order to organize and help users visually remember which field is doing what for the Display.

Recall My First Digital Object at beginning of this document where there were 3 sections highlighted in Red, Blue, and Green.

Strawberry Fields

At the end of the day

The decision for how your metadata is displayed is totally in your control.

Under the WIDGET column, there is a quick description/overview of what the formatter is doing.


And by clicking on the gear icon under the OPERATIONS column, all of the options for configuring the formatter are revealed. To use 🍓Fragola as an example (the Formatter for IIIF media), we can choose which JSON Key is being used to fetch the IIIF Media URLs (found inside the raw JSON being played with Strawberry Default Formatter), the maximum height and width of the viewer, etc.


And then with 🍓Erdbeere (the Formatter for Custom Metadata Templates) there is the option, among many others, to configure which Twig template the formatter will use for displaying your Metadata.


More information about Managing Metadata Displays with Twig Templates can be found here.

Thank you for reading! Please contact us on our Archipelago Commons Google Group with any questions or feedback.

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