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Archipelago Custom Webform Elements

In addition to the core elements provided by the Drupal Webform module, Archipelago also deploys a robust set of custom webform elements specific to digital repositories metadata needs and use cases.

Computed Elements:

  • Computed Metadata Transplant

    • Provides an item that takes source values (not only elements) and distributes them into other places/elements via a twig template
  • Computed Token

    • Provides an item to display computed webform submission values using tokens.
  • Computed Twig

    • Provides an item to display computed webform submission values using Twig

File Upload Elements:

  • Enhancements for Audio, Document, Image, Video file uploads

    • Backend processing for technical metadata (such as pronom, exif extraction)
  • Import Metadata from a File (such as XML)

    • Provides a form element for uploading, saving a file and parsing the content as metadata/webform submission data.
  • Import Metadata in CSV format from a File

    • Provides a form element for uploading, saving a file and parsing the content as metadata/webform submission data.

Date/Time Elements:

  • Multi Format Date and Date Range
    • Provides a form element for setting/reading Dates indifferent formats suitable for metadata.

Composite Elements:

  • Panorama Tour Builder
    • Provides a form element to build multi-scene Panorama Tour Builder with hotspots

Linked Data:

(*found under Composite Elements in "Add Element" menu)

  • Library of Congress (LoC) Linked Open data

    • Provides a form element to reconciliate against LoC Headings and similar LoD Sources
    • Able to configure which LoC Autocomplete Source Provider is used:
      • Subjects (LCSH)
      • LC Name Authority File (LCNAF)
      • LC Genre/Form Terms (LCGFT
      • Thesaurus of Graphic Materials (TGN)
      • MARC list for Geographic areas
      • Filter Suggest results by RDF Type
        • Any of the Classes listed here:
  • Multi LoD Source Agent Items

    • Provides a form element to reconciliate Agents against Multiple sources of Agents
  • Wikidata

    • Provides a form element to reconciliate against Wikidata Items and Agents
  • Getty Vocabulary Term

  • VIAF

  • Location GEOJSON (Nominatim--Open Street Maps)

    • Provides a form element to collect valid location information (address, longitude, latitude, geolocation) using Nominatim/Openstreetmap open API

But wait there's more!

You can review the coding behind these custom elements here:

Last update: October 18, 2021
Created: January 12, 2021