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Strawberry Key Name Providers

For an overview of Strawberry Key Name Providers within the context of the rest of Archipelago, see Drupal and JSON.

In order to expose the Strawberry Field JSON keys (and values) for an Archipelago Digital Objects (ADO) to Drupal's search, views, and facets, we need to make use of a plugin system called Strawberry Key Name Providers. What follows is a guide for configuring both the Strawberry Key Name Providers and the Drupal search, views, and facets.

Creating a Strawberry Key Name Provider

  1. First, we'll start with an example of a Strawberry Field JSON key that we would like to expose:


    "subject_wikidata": [
            "uri": "http:\/\/\/entity\/Q55488",
            "label": "railway station"
    "date_created_edtf": {
        "date_to": "",
        "date_free": "2016~\/2017~",
        "date_from": "",
        "date_type": "date_free"
    "date_created_free": null,
  2. Next, we are going to create a new Strawberry Key Name Provider by going to Administration > Structure > Strawberry Key Name Providers, press the + Add Strawberry Key Name Provider button, fill in the fields as follows, and save:

    • Label: Date Created EDTF
    • Strawberry Key Name Provider Plugin: JmesPath Strawberry Field Key Name Provider
    • One or more comma separated valid JMESPaths: date_created_edtf.date_free
    • Confirm that the value for Exposed Strawberry Field Property (under the One or more comma separated valid JMESPaths field) is set to date_created_edtf_date_free. This is the Strawberry Field Property that will hold the data coming from the JMESPath Query when evaluated against and ADO's JSON and will be visible as a Strawberry Field Property to Drupal and the Search API. When doing this in a production environment, you might want to change the automatically generated value and assign a simpler one to remember. You can always do this by pressing Edit. But for the purpose of this documentation please keep date_created_edtf_date_free.
    • Is Date?:

Strawberry Key Name Provider Plugins

You'll notice that there are four plugins, each with different options, available for different use cases. Below you'll find each plugin with examples from the providers that come with a default deployment.

Entity Reference JmesPath Strawberry Field Key Name Provider


One or more comma separated valid JMESPaths: ismemberof

Entity type: node

Flavor/Embedded JSON Service Strawberry Field Key Name Provider

hoCR Service

Source JSON Key used to read the Service/Flavour: ap:hocr

JmesPath Strawberry Field Key Name Provider

Subject Labels

One or more comma separated valid JMESPaths: subject_loc[*].label, subject_wikidata[*].label, subject_lcnaf_geographic_names[*].label,subject_temporal[*].label, subject_lcgft_terms[*].label, term_aat_getty[*].label, pubmed_mesh[*].label

JSONLD Strawberry Field Key Name Provider

Best Practice

As in the example below, if there are a group of flat and unique keys that you want to expose, we recommend creating one provider with this plugin and using a list of keys instead of creating multiple providers. This Provider will also auto assign Lists of Properties from an external JSON-LD ontology/vocabulary (e.g It uses direct access approach, e.g. type will get all values for any JSON Key named type at any hierarchy level (across the whole JSON document) and it will also use the same exact name (type) for the Exposed Strawberry Field Property.

Additional keys separated by commas: ismemberof,type,hocr,city,category,country,state,display_name,author,license

Creating a Solr Field

  1. Go to Administration > Configuration > Search and metadata > Search API > Drupal Content to Solr 8 > Fields.
  2. Press the Add fields button.
  3. Search for the field created above (expand the 🍓 Strawberry (Descriptive Metadata source) (field_descriptive_metadata), e.g. for the key mapped above, look for field_descriptive_metadata:date_created_edtf_date_free.
  4. Scroll down after adding to make sure the Type for the field is correct (date for the example in this guide).
  5. Reindex Solr.
    1. Go to Administration > Configuration > Search and metadata > Search API and click on the link to the index for your Drupal data.
    2. Press the Queue all items for reindexing button.
    3. Let cron reindex or press the Index now button.

Creating a Facet

  1. Go to Administration > Configuration > Search and metadata > Facets.
  2. Press the + Add facet button.
  3. Select your facet settings. For the example in this guide, we'll select the following:
    • Facet source: View Solr search content, display Page
    • Field: 🍓 Strawberry (Descriptive Metadata source) >> date_created_edtf_date_free (field_descriptive_metadata:date_created_edtf_date_free)
    • Name: 🍓 Strawberry (Descriptive Metadata source) >> date_created_edtf_date_free
  4. Save.
  5. Continue with the facet configuration by pressing Edit for the facet we just created and adjusting the many options available as needed. For the example in this guide, we'll adjust the below from the default settings:
    • Facet settings
      • Date item processor
        • Date display
          • 🔘 Actual date with granularity
        • Granularity
          • 🔘 Year
      • URL alias: sbf_date_created_edtf
  6. Save.

Creating a Block for the Facet

  1. Go to Administration > Structure > Block layout.
  2. Select the appropriate theme. For the example in this guide, we'll select Archipelago Base Theme.
  3. Press the Place block button next to the appropriate region. For the example in this guide, we'll be placing the block in the Sidebar second region.
  4. Select your facet from the list. For the example in this guide, we'll select 🍓 Strawberry (Descriptive Metadata source) >> date_created_edtf_date_free
  5. Press the Place block button next to the facet. Once the block is added, you can drag and drop it to change its position among the existing blocks and saving.

Last update: December 7, 2022
Created: December 6, 2022